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Meet molybdenum, an acid-free route to future Hydrogen power?

Molybdenum based compounds could provide key to hydrogen production for future zero-emissions energy RMIT/Monash collaboration opens promising route towards alkaline hydrogen production A FLEET study combining experimental expertise at RMIT with theoretical modelling at Monash University opens a new route towards efficient, cost-effective production of hydrogen. Researchers discovered that ammonium-doped, hexagonal molybdenum oxide (MoO3) displays extremely promising electronic and material …

Order from chaos: Australian vortex studies are first proof of decades-old theory

Seminal, seventy-year-old theory of turbulence experimentally verified for first time Applications range from Jupiter’s Great Red Spot to electron movement in superconductors Images and video available Two Australian studies published this week offer the first proof of a 70-year-old theory of turbulence. “The studies confirm a seminal theory of the formation of large-scale vortices from turbulence in 2D fluid flow, …

COEs partner up for pitch training and physics on-stage

Three events last week allowed FLEET members to develop valuable, transferable communications and outreach skills, as well as providing a chance for FLEET to strengthen links with other ARC Centres of Excellence. A pitch training session for researchers from three ARC Centres introduced key communications concepts such as choosing the most effective lead, tailoring the pitch to the audience, presenting …

Using disorder to build new materials for low-energy electronics: welcome new FLEET AI Julie Karel

Dr Julie Karel conducts research at the intersection of materials science and condensed matter physics to develop new materials for emerging low-energy nanoelectronic and magnetoelectronic devices. Originally from the US, Julie developed new thermal interface materials to improve mobile-device performance at Intel, and was a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute in Germany. In materials design, Julie uses complete …

Tuning the topological insulator Sb2Te3: just add iron

Iron-doping of the topological insulator Sb2Te3 results in useful electronic and magnetic properties, quantified in a recent FLEET study at the University of Wollongong. The researchers studied the magneto-transport properties of an iron-doped topological insulator (Fe–Sb2Te3). After the material is doped via the addition of iron, its electronic structure changes significantly: multiple response frequencies emerge, in contrast to the single …

Flying the future-computing flag at Melbourne Knowledge Week

Over a dozen FLEET researchers flew the flag for FLEET and future computing at the recent Melbourne Knowledge Week showcase. Reps introduced the public to ICT energy use, electromagnetism, superconductivity (via FLEET’s supercooled Mobius track) , and the mechanics of binary operations that underlie all modern computing, via the Centre’s two Digicomputers. The superconducting track and Mobius track proved the …

Ultra-cold lithium atoms shed light on pair formation in superfluids, helping identify best theories

• Abrupt onset of pairing points to best theories for describing ultra-cold ‘Fermi gases’ • Implications for understanding of superconductors, superfluids in future ultra low-energy electronic systems A FLEET/Swinburne study released this week resolves a long-standing debate about what happens at the microscopic level when matter transitions into a superconducting or superfluid state. Correlations between pairs of atoms in an …

Deciphering the fundamental physics of ferroelectricity at the nanoscale

Welcome new AI Laurent Bellaiche Welcome to Prof Laurent Bellaiche, whose ongoing research collaborations with FLEET are recognised by him becoming a Centre Scientific Associate Investigator. At the University of Arkansas (US), Prof Bellaiche leads first-principles-based theoretical studies of ferroelectrics, magnetic compounds, multiferroics and other semiconductors. He has co-authored over 310 refereed journal articles, his publications have been cited more …

New Josephson junction study links quantum theory to experiment

The Josephson junction is one of the most important elements in turning quantum phenomena into usable technology. A new RMIT study establishes a theoretical framework for new optical experimentation on these key devices, with implications for future fundamental quantum research and applications such as quantum computing. Josephson junction studies Josephson junctions can be formed by two superconducting plates, separated by …

Topological physics finds Famelab success

Congratulations to FLEET’s Sam Bladwell (right, UNSW), who won the NSW semifinal of Famelab, talking about study of electron spin, and will now compete in the finals in Perth on May 8th. Topological physics has done particularly well in this year’s Famelab, with FLEET associates Dr Semonti Bhattacharyya and Dr Antonija Grubisic-Cabo (Monash University) also qualifying for the Victorian semifinals. …

Welcoming two new Associate Investigators

Dr Dmitry Efimkin (right) is a Scientific Associate Investigator at Monash University specialising in novel materials such as Dirac materials, graphene and topological insulators, and optical phenomena in solids. Within FLEET, Dmitry works with CIs Michael Fuhrer, Meera Parish, and Nikhil Medhekar in Research theme 2: exciton superfluids and Enabling technology A: atomically-thin materials, studying optical and collective phenomena in …

Excellence in Research in Australia: ERA results

FLEET’s member universities performed extremely well in recently announced ERA results, looking at the fields of research in which the Centre is active. The ARC’s audit found that in: Physics, every Centre node ranked in the highest possible ranking Engineering, all nodes ranked above (or well above) world standard Materials engineering, fives nodes ranked in the highest ranking Technology, five …

Welcome new FLEET crew members

We have recently welcomed a number of new Centre members, including: New PhD students (in most cases, having decided to continue with us after their FLEET Honours projects): Bernard Field with Agustin Schiffrin (Monash) Oliver Stockdale with Matt Davis (UQ) Yik-Kheng Lee with Jared Cole (RMIT) Zeb Krix with Oleg Sushkov (UNSW) Mitchell Conway with Jeff Davis (Swinburne) Lina Sang with Xiaolin Wang (UOW) New …

Read FLEET’s latest annual report

We’re pleased to present hot-off-the-press FLEET ‘s 2018 Annual Report. 2018 marked the first full year of research operations at FLEET and we’d love to share the Centre’s research efforts with you in this second annual report. The web-friendly version is also available for download… For detailed lists of the centre organised events and media outputs etc, please view the 2018 Report …

FLEET collaboration reviews ferromagnetism in 2D materials

* Two-dimensional magnetism reviewed in new, collaborative review A collaborative FLEET study has reviewed recent progress in 2D ferromagnetism, and predict new, possible 2D ferromagnetic materials. The study also introduces possible applications of atomically-thin ferromagnets in novel dissipationless electronics, spintronics, and other conventional magnetic technologies. The scientists propose a new method of observing 2D ferromagnetism that could reveal new materials. …