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Engage News

Ask a physicist

–Are hover boards real? –What’s lightning? –Can we time travel? –Can I predict where a rainbow will form? –What is electricity, and who were the first electricians? Introducing FLEET’s new “Ask a physicist” page, where we’re encouraging schoolkids, parents and others to ask their hardest, most-baffling questions and we’ll answer them (or, we’ll find a FLEET member who can). We’d …

Resources to build professional skills, for PhDs and others

Developing transferable skills is vital for scientists at all career stages, but most particularly for PhDs and early-career researchers, to maximise their options inside and outside of academia. A team from across FLEET started the following list of resources, which are available for scientists to improve their skills… Thanks to Gol Akhgar and Semonti Bhattacharyya (Monash) Matthias Wurdack (ANU) and …

Making metal stuff fly, levitation and the potential of superconductors

What follows is in answer to a question about whether we could make metal object fly without any help from engine-like things. If you live on Earth or anywhere that gravity exists, and you have mass (that is, you are made up of atoms and have weight), then gravity will always want to pull you toward the Earth. Actually, anything ...

FLEET Schools

FLEET Schools is a resource for primary and secondary teachers, and students to engage with physics and chemistry, and to learn and think about the research problems FLEET is working on. That problem is our ever increasing energy requirements coming from our rapidly increasing demand for computation. Think Internet of Things, AI, driverless cars, smart phones and gaming. To solve ...
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Video explainers for 3MT

Tackling the next climate crisis with polariton superfluids, chocolate bars, ultra-fast laser pulses and chaotic gardening… FLEET’s Rishabh Mishra (Swinburne), Mitko Oldfield and Alex Nguyen (both at Monash University) have recently recorded explanations of their PhD research, submitted for the 2021 national Three Minute Thesis competition. Mitko Oldfield (School of Physics and Astronomy) explains his studies of polariton superfluids, with …

Engaging with end-users: Meeting the Melbourne Computer Club

What is the future of computing? As Moore’s law is approaching an end, new technologies are required to enable further advances in computational speed and energy-efficient data processing. As transistors took their first baby-steps over half a century ago, the next generation of electronic switches are being born today. Engaging with the Melbourne computing and electronics community in a ‘fireside …