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Engage News

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Got a PhD? What’s next?

Where can your PhD take you? And how can you maximise your potential future? A group of STEM PhDs and higher degree researchers heard about career options post-PhD at a forum last month, run by FLEET at Monash University. The assembled panel of academics, entrepreneurs, business development and research managers shared their own diverse career journeys and top tips on …

UNSW presents FLEET

The University of New South Wales has presented FLEET to the public as part of their Open Day. Sydney turned on some beautiful weather, as FLEET staff and students explained topological insulators to prospective students and their families, and demonstrated the isolation of atomically thin materials using graphite and molybdenum disulfide.

National Science Week – FLEET Physics Show

As part of National Science Week, FLEET’s Education & Training Coordinator visited a local kindergarten and primary school to perform a FLEET Geeks Physics Show. Dr. Dianne Ruka wowed the students, demonstrating a variety of physics concepts, including motion, forces, angular momentum and static electricity. Many of these demonstrations were performed as ‘magic tricks’, though Dianne explained that magic is …

Michael Fuhrer talks low-energy electronics on Radio 3RRR

FLEET Director Michael Fuhrer spoke today with science show Einstein a gogo on 3RRR about energy use in information and communications technology (ICT), limits to our ability to squeeze more efficiency out of traditional silicon-based technologies, and the alternatives that FLEET is pursuing, including topological materials and atomically-thin materials. Listen


National Science Week is almost here and the team from FLEET will be visiting some local schools to put on a physics show. Students will be treated to a range of different physics activities and will have the opportunity to participate and learn more about the unseen forces all around them.

Monash Open Day introduces FLEET to students and public

Monash University’s recent open day provided a great opportunity to explain FLEET to a large audience. The FLEET zone in the School of Physics and Astronomy area allowed for hands-on demonstrations, while lab tours provided a closer look at the research and FLEET director Michael Fuhrer presented a talk on the big picture challenges of energy use in global computing. …