Higher-degree research students trained


Postdoctoral researchers trained


Skill development workshops held

Capacity impact

Nurturing future leaders through training, mentoring and expanding research capabilities, expertise and networks.

FLEET trained a significant workforce for the electronics, semiconductor materials and quantum industries of the future, building a capacity in Australia for advanced electronics research.

FLEET has placed Australia at the forefront of the international electronics industry through the development of innovative electronics technologies and networks.

FLEET’s capacity building has galvanised the Australian research community to take the lead in quantum materials and electronic materials research more broadly.

The ongoing workshops on Future Electronic Materials Research in Australia (FEMRA), initiated by FLEET, will maintain links forged within domestic and international expertise to address ‘grand challenges’ in this field.

See collaborative networks between FLEET Chief Investigators.

In seven years FLEET trained over 230 new researchers to become future science leaders (see the case study) by providing world-class training and mentoring programs, translation opportunities, and training toward becoming independent science communicators (see the case study).

FLEET brought Australian strength in microfabrication and nanofabrication together with world-leading expertise in novel and atomically-thin materials, alongside fundamental quantum theorists and experimental quantum material experts.

Ultimately it will be FLEET alums as much as research outputs that define the success of the Centre.

See where our members have gone, here

Case Studies

Women in FLEET and Diversity in FLEET

FLEET's ground-breaking Women in FLEET and subsequent Diversity in FLEET fellowship programs are a significant legacy towards increasing participation of underrepresented groups in STEM research.

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Supporting programs with impact

FLEET has strategically invested in programs designed to maximise research impact through translation, training, industry engagement and commercial outputs.

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Empowering members to communicate their own scientific work

Building members' science-communication skills to make them self-sufficient in communicating their own scientific discoveries.

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Maedehsadat Mousavi

Building future science leaders

FLEET has expanded Australia’s scientific capacity by training a new generation of science leaders. Increased numbers of female STEM leaders will provide long-term benefits as role models to inspire others.

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