The case for semiconductor manufacturing in Australia

Steven Duvall

Steven Duvall, FLEET Advisory Committee member

Australia has not joined the growing number of countries around the world that are investing heavily to develop their domestic semiconductor manufacturing industries.

In this talk, we present the case for why Australia should invest in growing its domestic semiconductor industry and, in particular, in fostering the establishment of domestic semiconductor manufacturing capabilities. Among other factors, we will consider how domestic semiconductor manufacturing would facilitate the commercialisation of technologies developed at Australian research institutes, such as FLEET.

About the presenter

Dr Steven Duvall is an independent semiconductor expert, he has been working in the semiconductor industry for over 40 years. He was Silanna’s Chief Technology Officer and General Manager of Technology Development for 14 years, where he led the research, development and commercialisation of new semiconductor manufacturing technologies and products. Prior to joining Silanna, Dr Duvall was with Intel Corporation, where he established a strong track record of semiconductor technology development and commercialisation. Steve is currently a board member of the Semiconductor Sector Service Bureau.