Michael Fuhrer talks more-accessible physics and better transistors on radio 2CC

FLEET Director Michael Fuhrer spoke Friday with ABC Radio 2CC Canberra’s Rod Henshaw about making physics more accessible, and FLEET’s search for better, ultra-low-energy transistors.



Prof Fuhrer was in Canberra for the International Physics Summer School on Topological Matter at ANU.

Fuhrer discussed energy use in information and communications technology (ICT) and the alternatives that FLEET is pursuing, including topological materials and atomically-thin materials. Rod and Michael also discussed Friday night’s Physics in the Pub, and Tuesday’s Duncan Haldane lecture.

FLEET is a sponsor of the school, along with

  • ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering
  • ANU College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
  • eQus: ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems
  • Microsoft Australia
  • ANU Frontiers on Quantum Matter
  • US Government via the Embassy in Canberra