Invited: Joanna Batstone – Artificial intelligence and data science for social good

Joanna Batstone

About the presenter

Prof Joanna Batstone Directs the Monash Data Futures Institute, coordinating data-science and artificial-intelligence (AI) capabilities from across the University in a digital ecosystem fostering collaborative interdisciplinary research and promoting lasting industry engagements. Previously at IBM where she held a variety of technical and business-leadership roles in R&D, innovation and corporate strategy, data analytics and AI, she is passionate about the role of technology in driving lasting and transformative change for social good. Joanna’s own research background in physics (University of Bristol, AT&T Bell) and materials science (University of Liverpool) saw her receive the Burton Medal from the Microscopy Society of America, the Robert Lansing Hardy Gold Medal from The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society and the Cosslett Award from the Microbeam Analysis Society.