Higgs oscillations in a strongly interacting Fermi gas

Paul Dyke

Paul Dyke, Swinburne

Ultracold Fermi gases with tunable interactions provide a versatile test bed for studying quantum many-body phenomena; unlocking new ways to study condensed matter physics in an environment free of defects.

Here, we study the dynamics in a two-component strongly interacting Fermi gas following a quench of the inter-atomic interactions within the superfluid phase. This excites oscillations of the superfluid order parameter, commonly known as the Higgs oscillations. Using two-photon Bragg spectroscopy, we directly observe these amplitude oscillations and obtain measurements of the pairing gap and damping rate as a function of the temperature and interaction strength. Our data shows good qualitative agreement with the time-dependent BCS theory.

About the presenter

Dr Paul Dyke is currently a research fellow at Swinburne University of Technology. Within FLEET, Dr Dyke is working in Research theme 3, he is experimentally studying Floquet topological superfluidity, non-equilibrium enhancements to superfluids and 2D topological insulators in synthetic dimensions.