FLEET News in June 2024 includes FLEET landing event, stay in touch: Friends of FLEET, upcoming conferences and more.

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Catch up on previous versions of the FLEET newsletter below.

  • May 2024 includes FLEET landing event, the new legacy Centre website, dynamic surfaces at RMIT, internship report from ANSTO and quantum sensing funding.
  • April 2024 Switching a metal-organic material on and off, new ARC Pride network, Mitch Conway’s Pocket Guide to Doing a PhD, first leg of Women in Physics tour
  • March 2024 FLEET’s 2023 annual report, case study sharing FLEET alums’ and members’ experiences, FLEET alumni interview, liquid-metal transfer, 2D printing, industry-science hackathon success, and Tich-Lam Nguyen in the news
  • February 2024 The first FLEET intern , members’ proposals for legacy outreach resources, industry-science hackathon, congratulations to Sue Coppersmith (UNSW) and Kirrily Rule (ANSTO), and another alumni profile
  •  January 2024 Recognition for Francesca Iacopi and CI Torben Daeneke, an interview with FLEET alumni Oliver Paull, upcoming seminar, and congratulations to the 16 PhD candidates who submitted in 2023
  • December 2023 Centre’s Legacy Meeting, new funding opportunities, interview with FLEET Chief Operating Officer Dr Tich-Lam Nguyen
  • November 2023 Most-cited researchers, Meet FLEET resources, infrastructure funding, defence funding, stronger links with Europe, the Gordon Godfrey workshop, an inSTEM report, and quantum atoms in regional outreach
  • October 2023 Yuerui Lu and Stefan Maier, solving a quantum mystery, ferroelectrics, energetic outreach, funding success, and reports on the ECR Workshop and Meet FLEET
  • September 2023 Superconductor diode effect, another alumni profile, quantum phase control, the upcoming Meet FLEET and industry-meets-science hackathon events, and FLEET’s new Executive Officer
  • August 2023 Liquid-metal technologies, nanoscale earthquakes, topological gardening, FLEET alum profile, LK-99 breakdown and outreach
  • July 2023 Report from FLEET’s annual workshop, nanoplanets, nanomagnet speaking tour, National Science Quiz, and quantum energy conference
  • June 2023 New neuromorphic chip, outreach, new opportunities for members
  • May 2023 Fellowships for Michael Fuhrer, Alex Hamilton and Matthias Wurdack, new CI Torben Daeneke, negative mass, farewell to Nicci Coad, outreach results, and a top energy diplomat visits the labs
  • April 2023 Nanopatterning, quantum supersolids, mind-controlled robots, 2022 FLEET annual report
  • March 2023 ‘Star-like’ superconductivity, recognition and awards, Women in Leadership funding, and liquid-metal sustainability
  • February 2023 Congratulations to Patjaree Aukarasereenont (RMIT), large collaborative schools outreach project in NZ, recognition for FLEET alumni Ali Zavabeti and FLEET representation at Quantum Australia
  • January 2023 FLEET translation funding thermoelectrics, congratulations to Oliver Paull, and a FLEET alum profile
  • December 2022 Shielding 2D materials, 2023’s Women in Physics lecturer, metallic snowflakes, alumni Charlotte Hurry, FLEET translation project protecting LEDs, and a quantum primary-school pilot.
  • November 2022 Gold-class chemical reaction, STEM superstar, zinc-batteries, magnetism study and a new quantum alliance. Plus recognition for influential researchers, nano article and podcast, and FLEET’s submission on Australia’s future quantum strategy.
  • October 2022 An engineered quantum box, a polaron sea, ferroelectrics and electron fluids. Also a new CI, four new Fellows, and FLEET’s submission on critical technologies.
  • September 2022 FLEET Translation Program funding to take the ‘boring’ out of STM operation, and members recognised with Eureka Prize, Young Tall Poppy, ARC Future Fellowship and promotion
  • August 2022 Manipulating magnetics, the heart of glass, first translation funding, and congratulations to Nikhil Medhekar
  • July 2022 Brilliant, alternative uses for diamonds, hetero-interface physics, Eureka Prize nomination, reports from inSTEM and FLEET’s annual workshop
  • June 2022Room-temperature liquid platinum, nanophotonics seminar, searching for the angel particle and another FLEET visit to rural school students
  • May 2022 Alumni profile, nanophotonics seminar, Melbourne Knowledge Week, Pint of Science and FLEET’s visit to schools in Victoria’s rural west
  • April 2022 Video hack competition, lossless electronics from a magnetic sandwich, alumni profile
  • March 2022 FLEET Annual report, quantifying biexciton binding energy, zigzag Xenes could be switching key, alumni profile, ECR-assembled expert careers panel, outstanding referee recognition and profiling five FLEET scientists
  • February 2022 Ukraine, fluid circuits, superfluid vortices, liquid-metal surface patterns, another FLEET alumni spotlight, and posters awards
  • January 2022 Superfluid vortices, ferroelectric bubbles, an AAAS Fellowship, another FLEET alum spotlight, and carbon capture
  • December 2021 End-of-year meeting, topology from loss, benefits from negative capacitance, ultracold review and FLEET’s new Translation Program, aiming to help translate FLEET members’ research outcomes into wider societal impact
  • November 2021 World’s thinnest X-ray detector, double-dosed semiconductors, liquid-metal pumps, spintronics advances, a new FLEET PI, and an examination of the impact of the FLEET-JMSS future-computing unit
  • October 2021 honouring Shaun Johnstone, sandwich-style semiconductor fabrication, illuminated topological electronics, applying stress for better piezoelectrics and new diversity Fellowships
  • September 2021 Magnetism from a 2D material’s ‘star-like’ structure, surface competition, and ‘switched on’ superfluids
  • August 2021 A cocktail of magnetism and topology, home-grown semiconductors, a FLEET alum profile and electrons that ‘flow like honey’
  • July 2021 Topological fingerprints, iron-based superconductors, transformed ferromagnets and video resources from FLEET PhDs and the team at UNSW
  • June 2021 Controlling spin electrons on the edge, chipaggedon, new promotions, weddings and cute kiddos
  • May 2021 Research commercialisation via spinoff, linkage funding and patents, acknowledging traditional owners.
  • April 2021 Transparent electronics, ‘sweet spot’ hole-qubits, ‘tricks of the trade’, and beating Boltzmann’s theoretical lowest computer operating voltage
  • March 2021 Annual Report, new video, Terminator-like machine identification, thermoelectric funding and summer students
  • February 2021 Sloshing superfluids, socially-distant molecular interactions, and a quantum suit of armour
  • January 2021 The semiconductor roadmap, exotic patterns in surface physics, and 1D quantum wires
  • December 2020 Wrapping up FLEET’s experimental, virtual annual workshop, farewell members
  • November 2020 Congratulating members recognised for research accomplishments, and FLEET’s latest covid-safe outreach exercise
  • October 2020 Recognising achievements of Victorians and NZers, congratulations to members, early-career paper authors
  • September 2020 Congratulations to FLEET members who are finalists in the Eureka Prizes
  • August 2020 ARC Future Fellowship for Meera Parish, and new US-Australian series of condensed-matter/cold-atom talks kicks off
  • July 2020 Congratulations to Qile Li and Matt Gerbet, recognised this month in awards from ANSTO and Monash respectively
  • June 2020 FLEET expresses support for the diversity of scientists in FLEET, and condemns racism in science
  • May 2020 welcomes new CI Julie Karel, looks at the effects of COVID on equity in STEM, and introduces BEC research at Monash and materials at UOW. Digital connections continue with FLEET’s monthly live-streamed series, in partnership with professional physics and engineering organisations.
  • April 2020 Vital digital connections continue, with a number of live-streamed ‘events’ keeping FLEET members in touch. Also: soundwaves in ultracold gases at Swinburne, AI at Monash, UOW’s Xiaolin Wang highlighted, and welcome back to Nicci Coad at RMIT.
  • March 2020 The first ‘pandemic’ edition focuses on keeping suddenly ‘remote’ members connected and informed
  • February 2020 (‘beforetimes’) Equity workshop update, phonon-polariton research, ECR grants, hosting Materials Australia, FLEET PI Qi-Kun Xue (Tsinghua) assisting IOP engagement in China, ultrafast spectroscopy workshop coordinated between two COEs, liquid metal outreach, and grants for new research, equity and outreach collaborations with partner organisation the MacDiarmid Institute.
  • January 2020 Environmental letter from Centre Director Michael Fuhrer and 80 other ARC Laureates, FLEET’s environmental working group, ghostly particles in polariton condensates, quantum tornados on a silicon chip, domain-wall nanoelectronics, nano-thin touchscreens and superfluid-like properties in liquid metals
  • November 2019 includes pyrite advances in spintronics at Monash, development of future science leaders, and Centre members’ engagement with politicians and school students
  • October 2019 includes quantum-dot research at Monash, new Partner Investigator Mingliang Tian (Chinese Academy of Sciences), liquid-metal applications at UNSW and Oliver Paull’s research using the Japanese X-ray Free-Electron Laser
  • September 2019 introduces new FLEET partners NZ’s MacDiarmid Institute, plus ‘impossibly cool’ temperatures, science-outreach and ‘gutsy’ research with 2D-material-based sensors
  • August 2019 FLEET’s Lindau travellers, a new secondary-school unit on future computing, discoveries in excitonic insulators and semiconductor-TMDs
  • July 2019 Special equity edition (Elena Ostrovskaya) with mentoring opportunities, new members and research in turbulence, ferroelectrics,  spintronic materials  and new catalysts for hydrogen generation
  • June 2019 Special outreach edition (Chris Vale), plus topological materials, engaging with policy-makers, and new AI Julie Karel (Monash)
  • May 2019 FLEET AI Jo Etheridge an AAS Fellow, new FLEET AI Laurent Bellaiche, and ultra-cold atomic discoveries at Swinburne
  • April 2019 Famelab success, new FLEET investigators, Australian science policy, and topological magnetism reviewed
  • March 2019 Annual report released, artificial graphene, referee award and Lindau team confirmed
  • February 2019 Invited Nature review of topological structures, exciting new carbon-capture technology, students’ achievements
  • January 2019 A 2D material improving cancer detection, expanded partnership with Tsinghua University, and two new PIs
  • December 2018 Switching topological insulators off and on, capturing an exciton snapshot, and the IRDS Roadmap to a beyond-CMOS future
  • November 2018 New partnership with the University of Camerino, negative mass investigated at UQ, and meet FLEET’s David Cortie (UOW)
  • October 2018 Notes on Nobel-winning physics, a quantum breakthrough with squeezed light at Monash and material science in NZ
  • September 2018 An official FLEET baby, quantum anomalies at Swinburne, ferroelectric switching at Monash, electron interactions at NUS, large-scale piezoelectric materials at RMIT, and member profile of Eli Estrecho (ANU)
  • August 2018 Recognition for Kourosh Kalantar-Zadeh and Cathy Foley, atomic-scale engineering at Monash, exciton-polaritons at ANU, holes at UNSW, member profile of Harley Scammell
  • July 2018 Unlocking an exciton puzzle at UNSW, ‘scifi’ liquid-metal research at Wollongong, member profile Elizabeth Marcellina
  • June 2018 Centre launch, ‘flux capacitors’ and exciton traps, fresh new ways of communicating FLEET science in the classroom
  • May 2018 VdW research, Minister Simon Birmingham’s visits FLEET Wollongong, 2D material deposition, FLEET in the media
  • April 2018 Quantum batteries, recognition for a nanotech champion, local MP visiting FLEET at RMIT
  • March 2018 The annual report, International 2D conference, topological transistors, and ‘micro branding’
  • January 2018 Science outreach, Topological school, and FLEET’s Women in FLEET Honours Scholarship
  • December 2017 Lab visits, spin/electron-correlation discussions at UNSW, and Nobel laureate Wolfgang Ketterle
  • November 2017 FLEET Geeks: turning schoolkids on to science, and a new tool at the synchrotron
  • October 2017 Interviews, open days and research results

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