Excitons in 2D TMD in Strong Magnetic Fields

The excitonic resonances in 2D TMDs are known to be dependent on magnetic field, often described with a simplified Hamiltonian featuring a diamagnetic term quadratic in B.

This simple picture is sufficient for 1s excitons in realistic laboratory conditions, however it fails to capture the behaviour of higher order excitons even at moderate magnetic field strength. In this work we numerically solve for the exciton energy up to the 4s state as a function of magnetic field and tune parameters to fit experimental data, allowing us to extract reduced mass, dielectric constant and screening length.

About the presenter

Jack Engdahl is a PhD student at UNSW with CI Oleg Sushkov. His project aims to establish a theoretical groundwork for magnetohydrodynamics, as part of FLEET’s Research Theme 1, Topological Materials.