FLEET 2021 Annual Workshop

  •  13 Dec 2021 - 15 Dec 2021
     9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Members & Affiliates Only Event

FLEET’s annual workshop is our one opportunity each year for all Centre researchers to gather together and share research outcomes and progress. This year it seems Covid will keep us apart again physically, but we should still get together online to:

  • celebrate our survival of yet another difficult year;
  • motivate each other with short research updates and highlights; and
  • catch up with FLEET colleagues.

FLEET2021 will be held online 13-15 December, with three very short zoom talks, poster presentations and networking opportunities online and in person, where possible.

Everyone is strongly encouraged to present a virtual poster on their current research. All presentation abstracts need to be submitted by 8 Dec 2021 for inclusion in the workshop program. You will have received a separate notification regarding the online meeting platform we’re using. Posters will be presented ‘live’, in that you have the poster open, and you have people present online (you can see their faces/hear their voices/see chat). Posters will also be available in ‘static’ form tho, so if attendees want to dial in earlier or later than the three poster sessions, they’ll be able to see all the posters themselves. The event is only being made available to FLEET members and immediate affiliates, so unpublished information is safe.

Thanks to easing restrictions, we are planning two ‘in person’ social events as part of the FLEET Annual Workshop this year in Melbourne and Sydney. The online program will conclude at lunchtime on the final day. To help us organise food and drink, please register your attendance separately at:

Melbourne End of Year event: Clayton Bowls Club
Sydney End of Year event: Clovelly Bowling and Recreation Club


Any queries regarding the workshop please contact the FLEET business team: