Canberra Physics Summer School – Spontaneous Coherence & Collective Phenomena In Quantum Systems

  •  13 Jan 2020 - 24 Jan 2020
     9:00 am - 5:00 pm

***Please note the below event has been cancelled due to the unpredictability of the situation generated by the bush fire crisis.***

The International Canberra Physics Summer School is a biennial conference for early career researchers and postgraduate students from across Australia and New Zealand. This year, the school will be on 13-24 January 2020 on the topic: Spontaneous Coherence & Collective Phenomena In Quantum Systems.

The summer school will cover the following current research topics explaining both fundamental theoretical concepts and prospective applications:

  • Fundamentals of many-body theory
  • Fundamentals of Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity
  • Quantum degenerate Fermi gases
  • Non-equilibrium quantum condensation
  • Condensation of excitons, photons, and exciton-polaritons
  • Quantum simulators
  • Many-body localisation phenomena
  • Quantum coherence and entanglement in mesoscopic systems

More information on the Conference can be found at the CPSS website.

The previous CPSS in 2018 was on Topological Matter. FLEET is a proud co-organiser of the summer school together with the ANU Research School of Physics.