Honours Project: Bound states in a heteronuclear fermi gas

The development of ultracold atomic gases with tunable interactions and dimensionality has led to a new era of precision studies of fundamental quantum mechanical phenomena. In the context of few-body bound states, experiments have until now focussed on bosons, which display the celebrated Efimov effect, where three identical bosons can form a fractal set of states related by a discrete …

Honours Project: Atomic-scale structural and electronic studies on light-harvesting metal-halide perovskites

Hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites are an emerging class of photovoltaic materials with the potential to outperform silicon [1]. Solar cells made of metal-halide perovskite offer material costs below $2/m2 and certified efficiencies beyond 20%. However, the underlying physical mechanisms allowing for strong light absorption and efficient electron-hole separation in metal-halide perovskites are not fully understood. In particular, very few studies have …

Honours Project: Experiments on two-dimensional quantum turbulence

Two-dimensional turbulence is even more fascinating than its three-dimensional counterpart. Here, the turbulent energy is predicted to go into the formation of increasingly larger size eddies and vortices in a so-called inverse energy cascade process. Hence 2D turbulence exhibits a peculiar self-organization, giving rise to order out of chaos. This project will involve investigating two-dimensional turbulence in a superfluid atomic …