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Research theme II virtual workshop

A two-day live-streamed workshop brought 30 researchers from across FLEET together last week, organised by ANU Research Fellows Maciej Pieczarka and Eliezer Estrecho. FLEET’s second research theme uses a quantum state known as a superfluid to achieve electrical current flow with minimal wasted dissipation of energy. In a superfluid, scattering is prohibited by quantum statistics, and all particles flow with …


Applying quantum-impurity theory to quantum fluids of light

A Monash-led study develops a new approach to directly observe correlated, many-body states in an exciton-polariton system that go beyond classical theories. The study expands the use of quantum impurity theory, currently of significant interest to the cold-atom physics community, and will trigger future experiments demonstrating many-body quantum correlations of microcavity polaritons. Exploring quantum fluids “Exciton-polaritons provide a playground in …

International quantum-coherence conference hosted in Melbourne

In January 2020 FLEET brought the 10th International Conference on Spontaneous Coherence in Excitonic Systems (ICSCE10) to Australia for the first time. Continuing this 15-year tradition from the global scientific community interested in various quantum phenomena, ICSCE10 was hosted at the Arts Centre Melbourne amidst smoke storms resulting from what was one of the worst bushfire seasons in Australia’s history. …

Ghostly particles detected in condensates of light and matter

Australian research collaboration makes first detection of ‘ghost particles’ from Bose-Einstein condensates made of light and matter. The ANU/Monash University collaboration study: Observed ‘quantum depletion’ for the first time in a non-equilibrium condensate Discovered that ‘light-like’ condensates don’t behave as we would expect Observed ‘ghost’ excitations arising from quantum depletion for the first time. Quantum depletion observed for the first …

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Gordon Godfrey Workshop advances Australian quantum physics  

Almost 120 researchers gathered in UNSW last week to discuss spin and strong-electron correlations in the university’s biennial Gordon Godfrey Workshop.  The 2019 Gordon Godfrey Workshop on Spins and Strong Correlations was held at UNSW’s School of Physics for five days from 25 to 29 November.  The Gordon Godfrey Workshops, which have been running since 1991, provide a forum for Australian and international researchers to exchange ideas and …

Experimental observation of a new class of materials: excitonic insulators

First observation of excitonic insulator New exotic state was first predicted in 1960s A University of Wollongong / Monash University collaboration has found evidence of a new phase of matter predicted in the 1960s: the excitonic insulator. The unique signatures of an excitonic insulating phase were observed in antimony Sb(110) nanoflakes. The findings provide a novel strategy to search for …

AI Yuerui Lu recognised by Heart Foundation

FLEET Associate Investigator Professor Yuerui Lu (ANU) has been named a Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellow. The innovation of Professor Lu’s research, which focuses on the next-generation high-throughput 3D microscopy for cardiovascular imaging, was also recognised by the Foundation’s Paul Korner Innovation Award. This project aims to demonstrate proof of the concept for a novel high-throughput 3D microscope using ultra-thin, …

Women in FLEET Fellowships

FLEET’s goal is to achieve 30% representation of women at all levels across FLEET. To begin to move towards this goal, we needed innovative approaches that would allow us to begin ‘shifting the dial’. One innovative initiative that has met with success was FLEET’s new women-only Fellowships, offered in multiple locations, and across all fields of study in the Centre. …

Deciphering the fundamental physics of ferroelectricity at the nanoscale

Welcome new AI Laurent Bellaiche Welcome to Prof Laurent Bellaiche, whose ongoing research collaborations with FLEET are recognised by him becoming a Centre Scientific Associate Investigator. At the University of Arkansas (US), Prof Bellaiche leads first-principles-based theoretical studies of ferroelectrics, magnetic compounds, multiferroics and other semiconductors. He has co-authored over 310 refereed journal articles, his publications have been cited more …

Welcoming two new Associate Investigators

Dr Dmitry Efimkin (right) is a Scientific Associate Investigator at Monash University specialising in novel materials such as Dirac materials, graphene and topological insulators, and optical phenomena in solids. Within FLEET, Dmitry works with CIs Michael Fuhrer, Meera Parish, and Nikhil Medhekar in Research theme 2: exciton superfluids and Enabling technology A: atomically-thin materials, studying optical and collective phenomena in …

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Meera Parish named APS 2019 Outstanding Referee

FLEET’s Meera Parish has been named 2019 Outstanding Referee, the only one in Australia, by the influential American Physical Society (APS). The APS selected 143 Outstanding Referees for 2019, each of whom have demonstrated exceptional work in the assessment of manuscripts submitted to the Physical Review journals. The Outstanding Referee program recognises approximately 150 currently active referees each year, and …

First snapshot of exciton-polariton condensation process

First snapshot of exciton-polariton Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) in an inorganic semiconductor Unique opportunity to understand details of BEC without statistical averaging Key to fundamental understanding of exciton-polaritons An ANU advance provides never-before-achieved ‘snapshot’ of Bose-Einstein condensation. Previously, observations of exciton-polaritons in a Bose-Einstein condensate were limited to statistical averaging over millions of condensation events. ‘Snapshot’ imaging of polaritons forming a …

Clarifying effects of negative mass

A FLEET study led by University of Queensland’s David Colas clarifies recent studies of negative mass, investigating the strange phenomenon of self-interference. Negative mass?? When we think of ‘mass’, we usually consider the ‘inertial’ mass – the resistance of a body to acceleration due to an applied force. For a moving object, its mass is then a simple relationship between …

FLEET collaboration aims to prevent energy losing its way

Published in Monash Lens 27 Sep 2018 Featuring Meera Parish & Michael Fuhrer, School of Physics & Astronomy, Monash University Cheaper, faster, smarter, smaller – the ever-evolving digital world has changed the way we live, as predicted by the law Gordon Moore outlined in 1965. Moore’s Law foretold that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit would double …

Chiral flow: twisting exciton-polariton condensates at exceptional points

Outstanding problem in exciton-polariton physics resolved using exceptional points at ANU Chirality of mode at EP opens future research avenues for exciton-polariton physics Researchers at ANU recently proved a novel method for generating orbital angular momentum states (vortices), with a topological charge that is ensured by an exceptional point. Recent studies at the ANU resolve an outstanding problem in exciton-polariton …

Centre collaboration combines material expertise

FLEET RMIT—UNSW collaboration measuring transport properties of van der Waals heterostructures FLEET PhD Cheng Tan (RMIT) visited UNSW’s labs in May to perform magnetic coupling measurements on 2D ferromagnetic crystals. The visit was reciprocated this month with FLEET Research Fellow Feixiang Xiang (UNSW) visiting RMIT to construct van der Waals structures for studying of 2D topological systems. This collaboration between …

Trapping light–matter particles at ANU

FLEET collaboration traps light–matter particles FLEET’s Research theme 2 seeks to create near-zero resistance flow of exciton polaritons, which are hybrid quasi-particles that are part matter and part light. Their ability to flow without resistance relies on formation of an exciton-polariton condensate – a collective quantum state that behaves as a superfluid. In superfluids, particles flow without encountering any resistance …

Research in Exciton Superfluids

FLEET researchers undertake various research projects in the area of Exciton Superfluids. If you have a project that would fit this theme, find information about a potential supervisor here: A/PROF. MEERA PARISH Theory of strongly correlated phenomena in ultracold atomic gases and electron systems Superconductivity and superfluidity Lowdimensional systems Magnetotransport A/PROF. QIAOLIANG BAO Atomically thin optical materials (graphene, 2D transition …

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Universality of the unitary Fermi gas

A recent Monash University study has investigated Fermi gases with only a small number of interacting particles, and has used that simplified case to predict some behaviours within Fermi gases with many more particles. The study was published in Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, March 2017 FLEET’s Meera Parish is investigating how robust excitonic superfluidity is …