Ask the Physicists: Are the dimensions of space constant? Is today’s metre the same as tomorrow’s meter?

We got the following question on our Ask The Physicists Facebook page that really got some heads scratching at our end: Are the dimensions of space constant? Is todays metre the same as tomorrows meter? The thought was that, if everything were expanding or contracting uniformly on an absolute scale, an observer embedded within the expanding or contracting matrix would ...

National Science Quiz

Over 200 in-person audience members and more than 400 online contestants competed in this month’s National Science Quiz, co-presented by FLEET with a collaboration of nine research organisations. Return host ABC TV and radio presenter Charlie Pickering, who has hosted each NSQ since the inaugural edition in 2017, chaired two competing teams, comprising: Astrophysicist Kirsten Banks (UNSW) Meteorologist Nate Byrne …

FLEET’s engagement with rural schools continues

Following on from FLEET’s previous trip to the western districts in May, Centre outreach coordinator Jason Major and COO Tich-Lam Nguyen visited Horsham College north of the Grampians to engage year 7 students and pilot-test FLEET’s Forces and Energy workshop. The budding scientists (all 170 of them) built catapults and balloon rockets to explore Newton’s 2nd and 3rd laws and …

2D materials workshop skilling up future Australian scientists

Nobel-winning material science in the classroom Gol Akhgar and Julie Karel (Monash) this month demonstrated graphene exfoliation with scotch-tape in the class, explaining the role of 2D materials in future beyond-CMOS electronics. The lesson is part of FLEET’s ongoing year-10 future electronics unit at John Monash Science School, which builds up from atomic/quantum fundamentals to transistor functions, logic circuits and …

Melbourne Knowledge Week 2022

Over the course of Melbourne Knowledge Week last week FLEET volunteers engaged with around 300 visiting members of the public, talking about FLEET’s mission to ensure a sustainable future for computing, with some fun props to demonstrate electromagnetic forces and the role of quantum materials such as superconductors. The bright yellow sustainable computers stall at the new MKW festival hub …

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Matthias Wurdack off to Lindau Nobel meeting

FLEET’s research fellow Matthias Wurdack has been chosen to represent Australia at the annual Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting this year. Matthias will be among six early-career Australian scientists attending the 71th Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau, Germany, 26 June – 1 July 2022. The 71th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting will be dedicated to chemistry, expected to be attended by around …

National Science Quiz

More details about the 2021 National Science Quiz (NSQ) – the host, panelists, questions and how the quiz and streaming worked – can be found on the National Science Quiz website Background to the quiz The NSQ is inspired by ‘De Nationale Wetenschapsquiz’ (NWQ) which was televised nationally in the Netherlands for 25 years. In a made-for-TV format, it pondered ...

What’s next after graduation? UNSW careers panel

Post-grad job hunting, perfecting the resume, and how to handle pre-interview nerves An expert panel ran through issues of importance to PhD and Masters graduates at UNSW this month, answering the questions at top of mind for ECRs towards the end of study, as they prepare to start looking for graduate positions for the first time. The event was organised …

FLEET Outreach

FLEET heads out to engage the community through interactive exhibits at public events. FLEET has a pool of experts for public events, community talks. Check out FLEET's events and outreach news or keep up with all the latest stuff on our Ask the Physicists Facebook page. To find out more about FLEET research, you can check out FLEET’s or ...

Idea Factory 2021

The 2021 Idea Factory challenged 36 early career researchers to write more effective grant applications, and learn to effectively communicate the value of their research to varied audiences. The workshop concentrated on developing researchers’ ability to pitch their research – and get funded, primarily: improving grant writing skills and confidence, customising grants for different funding bodies distilling key messages about …

Presenting a feast of FLEET science

There will be a feast of FLEET science in show at the Australian Institute of Physics Summer Meeting (this coming week, 6–9 December) at QUT in Brisbane, with parallel online delivery. The summer meeting will see plenary and keynote talks by FLEET’s Michael Fuhrer, Dimi Culcer and Kirrily Rule, with over 30 presentations by Centre members across six universities. FLEET …

Students confirm benefits of FLEET future-computing unit

Surveying and student interviews confirms success of future computing unit in encouraging girls/other students in physics  Over the last three years FLEET has helped put ninety Year 10 students through a ‘Future electronics’ unit, in partnership with John Monash Science School (JMSS). As well as covering semiconductors, Moore’s Law and computing, the course introduces quantum physics at an intuitive level …

Ask a physicist

–Are hover boards real? –What’s lightning? –Can we time travel? –Can I predict where a rainbow will form? –What is electricity, and who were the first electricians? Introducing FLEET’s new “Ask a physicist” page, where we’re encouraging schoolkids, parents and others to ask their hardest, most-baffling questions and we’ll answer them (or, we’ll find a FLEET member who can). We’d …

Resources to build professional skills, for PhDs and others

Developing transferable skills is vital for scientists at all career stages, but most particularly for PhDs and early-career researchers, to maximise their options inside and outside of academia. A team from across FLEET started the following list of resources, which are available for scientists to improve their skills… Thanks to Gol Akhgar and Semonti Bhattacharyya (Monash) Matthias Wurdack (ANU) and …

Making metal stuff fly, levitation and the potential of superconductors

What follows is in answer to a question about whether we could make metal object fly without any help from engine-like things. If you live on Earth or anywhere that gravity exists, and you have mass (that is, you are made up of atoms and have weight), then gravity will always want to pull you toward the Earth. Actually, anything ...

FLEET Schools

FLEET Schools is a resource for primary and secondary teachers, and students to engage with physics and chemistry, and to learn and think about the research problems FLEET is working on. That problem is our ever increasing energy requirements coming from our rapidly increasing demand for computation. Think Internet of Things, AI, driverless cars, smart phones and gaming. To solve ...
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Video explainers for 3MT

Tackling the next climate crisis with polariton superfluids, chocolate bars, ultra-fast laser pulses and chaotic gardening… FLEET’s Rishabh Mishra (Swinburne), Mitko Oldfield and Alex Nguyen (both at Monash University) have recently recorded explanations of their PhD research, submitted for the 2021 national Three Minute Thesis competition. Mitko Oldfield (School of Physics and Astronomy) explains his studies of polariton superfluids, with …

Engaging with end-users: Meeting the Melbourne Computer Club

What is the future of computing? As Moore’s law is approaching an end, new technologies are required to enable further advances in computational speed and energy-efficient data processing. As transistors took their first baby-steps over half a century ago, the next generation of electronic switches are being born today. Engaging with the Melbourne computing and electronics community in a ‘fireside …

Tools of the Trade: Iolanda Di Bernardo explains XPS depth profiling for Nature series

X- ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is used for material characterization, providing quantitative information on the chemical composition of materials by identifying the type of elements that are present (nowadays, with a detection limit in the range of one part per thousand). XPS also allows the identification of the chemical state of the elements – such as the types of bonds …

Tools of the Trade: Eli Estrecho explains laser trapping for Nature series

A ‘pumped’ laser can be used to trap and manipulate an exciton-polariton condensate. These quantum fluids, which can behave as a resistanceless superfluid in certain conditions, need continuous replenishing, with the pumping laser supplying both a reservoir of electrons and confining force. “The pumping laser can trap the quantum fluid as the particles are repelled from the pump region, similarly …

Engaging public conversations at Melbourne Knowledge Week

Melbourne Knowledge Week (26 April-2 May 2021) was an opportunity for FLEET to engage with over 350 members of the public about the exciting future of computing, and the vital role of energy-efficient electronics in that future. FLEET’s sustainable computing booth ran for the full week at the festival hub, with hands-on science demonstrations linked to materials used in FLEET …

FLEET reps at Science meets Parliament

FLEET had four researchers at STA’s annual Science Meets Parliament, which was fully online in 2021, other than regional gala dinners. Participants heard from a diverse mix of Australia’s top scientists, including Chief Scientist Cathy Foley and Chief Defence Scientist Tanya Monro. FLEET’s four ECR delegates—Eli Estrecho (ANU), Peggy (Qi) Zhang (UNSW), Gary Beane (Monash) and Harley Scammell (UNSW)—were introduced …

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Maintaining international links in the absence of international travel

US–Australian transpacific condensed-matter talks The temporary halt in international visits that traditionally spark and fuel research collaborations in 2020 pushed FLEET to find new ways to connect. Some positives have surfaced amid the negative impacts of Covid-19 travel bans on science collaboration, including the expansion in videoconferencing allowing researchers from geographically isolated regions to connect. Together with Centre partners at …

Building future science leaders in 2020

FLEET ensures that our young researchers are prepared for future success – wherever their career takes them. The Centre currently supports 64 higher degree by research (HDR) students and 45 postdoctoral researchers with another 21 research affiliates working on FLEET projects and invited to Centre training, workshops and events. FLEET connects its researchers with internal and international networks, for example, …

Monthly talks bring Australian research to the physics community

A series of talks spotlights leading Australian physics research for the physics community. Co-organised by FLEET and the Australian Institute of Physics, the series throws the spotlight on a different Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence each month, with AIP members and others in the physics community dialing in over zoom to hear about leading Australian research. To date, over …

Skilling up our people in 2020: research impact and industry engagement

—Who would be interested in my research? Who would benefit from it the most? —How can I pursue high-impact research? —How does research translation work? —If I’ve developed some cool intellectual property, where would I start with industry engagement? —How do I effectively ‘sell’ the value of my research in an award application/grant/job interview? While researchers are typically familiar with …

FLEET heading to Melbourne Knowledge Week

Melbourne Knowledge Week (26 April-2 May 2021) will be an opportunity for FLEET to engage with the public about the exciting future of computing, and the vital role of energy-efficient electronics in that future. FLEET’s sustainable computing booth will run for the full week at the festival hub, with hands-on science demonstrations linked to materials used in FLEET research, such …

Online format is easy, enjoyable engaging: SMP 2021

This years’ Science Meets Parliament 2021 transitioned to a mostly virtual event and I must admit, I enjoyed this format thoroughly.  The format involved shorter sessions scheduled throughout March, which made it much easier to attend amongst other work and family commitments. This extended program was in conjunction with 2 full days of focused sessions with seminars on topics such …

FLEET PhDs on the Melbourne airways

Three FLEET PhD students this month featured on popular radio science show Einstein a go-go, on the show’s regular “20 PhDs in 20 minutes” segment. In this format, student and host each get a minute, covering the student’s entire project in just two minutes combined. (Perfect practice for the famous ‘elevator pitch’.) The three FLEET presenters were Alex Nguyen (Monash), Matt …

2020: a challenging year for outreach!

In 2019, after a remarkable achievement in reaching over 10,000 students, FLEET voluntarily raised its outreach target from 200 students to 2000 students, 50 teachers to 75 teachers and 2000 public members to 5000 public members. And then Covid happened … However, despite the unique challenges that Covid imposed on face-to-face outreach, cancelling public events and banning in-class or in-lab …