In 2023 FLEET laid the foundations for a lasting legacy.

While progress on FLEET’s core research mission continued, we directed strategic efforts in 2023 towards ensuring that the research capacity FLEET has built, the far-reaching network it has brought together, and the alums it has educated and trained will continue to make a positive impact on society well beyond FLEET’s period of performance. Read FLEET’s 2023 annual report. And for detailed lists of events and media outputs, please view the 2023 report appendices.


2022 was a vibrant and productive year for FLEET

As a mature Centre, we turned our focus from capacity- and network-building to ensuring a lasting legacy beyond the life of the Centre. We hope you enjoy reading the 2022 annual report as much as we enjoyed writing it!  For detailed lists of Centre-organised events and media outputs etc, please view the 2022 Report Appendices.


2021 was a year to take stock of FLEET’s activities

A Year to refocus our efforts and fine-tune our strategies to ensure FLEET has maximum impact through the life of the Centre and beyond. Despite the ongoing impact of the pandemic, 2021 was another productive year for FLEET in terms of scientific outputs, 64% in high-impact journals. Click here for FLEET’s 2021 annual report, and here for the appendices.


2020 was FLEET’s third full year of operations

What a year it was! Despite the many months of lock-out-of-labs, FLEET had an extraordinary level of scientific output in 2020, especially in high-impact journals. The pandemic also gave the Centre opportunities to trial new things, which we present in this report. Click here for the Centre’s 2020 annual report, and here for appendices.


2019 was an exciting year for FLEET

We made a positive impacts on improving Centre diversity and creating leadership opportunities for young academics. Read the 2019 annual report here. For detailed lists of Centre-organised events and media outputs etc, please view the 2019 report appendices.


2018 marked the first full year of research operations at FLEET

Discover the Centre’s research efforts and science-leadership programs in this, our second annual report. Read the FLEET 2018 annual report here, and for detailed lists of Centre-organised events and media outputs etc, view the 2018 report appendices.


2017 was an exciting year for FLEET

The Centre moved off the drawing board to become a research entity. Click on the image to view FLEET’s very first annual report. Enjoy reading…