< Previous68ARC CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE IN FUTURE LOW-ENERGY ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGIESCOMMUNICATIONSFLEET.ORG.AU14,86835,32701.443.367,145Number ofpages per sessionNumber ofunique page viewsDirect 3,872Google 2,064Facebook 224Twitter 142Muchong 109Bing 65Career sites 74Others 595Number ofsessionsNumber ofof new usersTraffic sourceaveragetime on pageWithin FLEET, I feel I am a part of something much bigger and not just a Brownian particle wandering around. Pavel Kolesnichenko PhD student, Swinburne UniversityThere is a real buzz about FLEET. Team members are excited about each other’s work, and people from different universities, in different states, are brain-storming together.Prof Alex Hamilton Deputy Director, FLEETIN 2018, FLEET WILL: >Continue to build an audience for ourmessages – both scientific and in leadershipfunctions, including expanding our newsletterto relevant stakeholders and other markets,starting with China. >Further improve Centre cohesion via oursecond annual workshop, building onlearnings from the first workshop.69INSIDE FLEET07The global FLEET network brings together top-quality staff, students and collaborating partners to deliver on the Centre’s mission.From left, Dimi Culcer, Feixiang Xiang and Harley Scammell, UNSWFLEET 2017 ANNUAL REPORT70GOVERNANCESPECIAL GOVERNANCE COMMITTEESADVISORY COMMITTEESEducation & TrainingCommunicationsOutreachAdvisory CommitteeInternational Scientific Advisory CommitteeIndustry RelationshipsEquity & DiversityANNUAL OPERATION PLANBusiness TeamCENTRE EXECUTIVE Meets monthlyMeets annuallyRESEARCH THEME 1 Topological materialsRESEARCH THEME 2 Exciton superfluidsENABLING TECHNOLOGY BNano-device fabricationCentre ManagementMonthly VideoconferenceCentre ResearchersAnnual Centre WorkshopENABLING TECHNOLOGY A Atomically-thin materialsRESEARCH THEME 3 Light-transformed materials71FLEET 2017 ANNUAL REPORTFLEET’s business team supports its outstanding researchers to achieve their scientific, engagement and equity goals. I’m proud to be part of a Centre that is transforming STEM culture in Australia and creating the sustainable technology we need in the 21st century.Dr Catherine Buchanan FLEET Executive OfficerBUSINESS TEAMBUSSINESS TEAMDR CATHERINE BUCHANANExecutive OfficerCatherine coordinates KPI and budget reporting across FLEET’s seven nodes and provides administrative support to the Executive and governance committees.DR TICH-LAM NGUYENChief Operating OfficerTich-Lam oversees FLEET’s financial and operational effectiveness, aimed at delivery of the Centre’s strategic goals.CECILIA BLOISENode Coordinator UNSWCecilia supports FLEET operations at UNSW and provides support to node leader Alex Hamilton.DR DIANNE RUKASenior Education and Training CoordinatorDianne leads FLEET’s education and training missions, student recruitment, career development programs, internship placement and outreach programs.ERROL HUNTSenior Communications CoordinatorErrol coordinates FLEET’s communications strategies, communicates Centre mission and outcomes within FLEET, to the scientific community, to potential end-users and to the public via media.72ARC CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE IN FUTURE LOW-ENERGY ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGIESADVISORSADVISORY COMMITTEE (AC)FLEET’s Advisory Committee helps the Executive Committee develop FLEET’s strategic plan, which sets out how the Centre will meet its goals, in particular in creating linkages with industry, academia, and government. The Advisory Committee: >Reviews FLEET’s Annual Operating Plan >Provides recommendations on financial management >Provides recommendations on general management andoperation, to ensure the Centre achieves its objectives >Produces an annual report of strengths, weaknessesand opportunities.PROF ANDREW PEELE Director Australian Synchrotron, AustraliaDR AN CHENExecutive DirectorSemiconductor Research Corporation, IBM Nanoelectronics Research Initiative, USADR CATHY FOLEYScience DirectorCSIRO Manufacturing Flagship, AustraliaPROF ELLEN WILLIAMSDistinguished ProfessorUniversity of Maryland, USAPROF LUIGI COLOMBOFellowTexas Instruments, USAPROF IAN SMITHVice-Provost of Research and Research InfrastructureMonash University, AustraliaDR STEVE DUVALLChief Technology Officer and General ManagerSilanna, AustraliaFLEET will spectacularly translate our fundamental knowledge of solid-state systems, which is crucial for a world that must become more efficient in its use of electronics.Prof Andrew Peele Director, Australian Synchrotron President, Australian Institute of PhysicsFLEET Advisory Committee73FLEET 2017 ANNUAL REPORTINTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE (ISAC): >Provides independent scientific advice to FLEET investigators, both directly andthrough the Centre Director. >Advises on the scientific directions of FLEET >Benchmarks the quality of FLEET research against international standards >Produces an annual report placing FLEET’s progress in an international context andmaking recommendations for future directions.INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS (TWO-YEAR APPOINTMENT):PROF ALI YAZDANIProfessor of PhysicsPrinceton University, USAPROF WOLFGANG KETTERLEProfessor of PhysicsMassachusetts Institute of Technology, USAPROF HIDENORI TAKAGIDirectorMax Planck Institute for Solid State Research, GermanySIR KOSTYA NOVOSELOVProfessor of PhysicsUniversity Manchester, UKSIR MICHAEL PEPPERProfessor of PhysicsUniversity College London, UKIt is an exciting time for the study of topological phases of matter, and it is great to see FLEET’s focus on using this new science for more efficient electronics.Prof Ali YazdaniPrinceton Center for Complex Materials International Scientific Advisory Committee74ARC CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE IN FUTURE LOW-ENERGY ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGIESEXECUTIVEPROF MICHAEL FUHRERDirectorMichael is a pioneer of the study of electronic properties of 2D materials, with extensive experience establishing and managing large, inter-disciplinary research teams in Australia and the USA.He directs implementation of FLEET’s vision and mission and coordinates the three Research themes and two Enabling technologies. With FLEET’s Executive team, Michael implements the Centre’s strategic plan regarding research, technology transfer, training and mentorship, and outreach. An accomplished communicator, Michael represents FLEET’s work to the research community, government, students, media and the public.Michael is an ARC Laureate Fellow and former Director of the Monash Centre for Atomically Thin Materials and the Center for Nanophysics and Advanced Materials (University of Maryland).DR TICH-LAM NGUYENChief Operating OfficerTich-Lam manages FLEET’s operations and its business team. She’s responsible for the Centre’s financial and operational effectiveness and the oversight of activities contributing to the development and delivery of its strategic goals. Tich-Lam holds a PhD in Chemistry from RMIT University and a Master of Management from the Melbourne Business School. FLEET’S EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEFLEET’s Executive Committee oversees strategic plans for the Centre, in accordance with the Australian Research Council Funding Agreement and agreements with the Centre’s collaborating organisations. The committee’s responsibilities include: >Overseeing general management and operation of the Centre >Proper allocation of funding >Approval of Centre activities >Approval of Centre intellectual property ownership >Approval of any amendments to Centre budget and research program >Promoting interactions between participants and partners across nodesand institutions >Solving problems in the successful execution of the Centre’s mission.FLEET’s Executive team comprises leaders of research themes and nodes, and committee chairs. FLEET is investing not only in research, but also in the people who will form the future Australian electronics industry. For example, by providing our members opportunities to take part in the Centre’s operation, we help train better-rounded future leaders with a diverse set of skills and capabilities.Dr Tich-Lam Nguyen FLEET Chief Operating Officer75FLEET 2017 ANNUAL REPORTCOMMITTEE MEMBERS:PROF ALEX HAMILTONDeputy DirectorLeader, Research theme 1Node leader, University of New South WalesPROF KOUROSH KALANTAR-ZADEH Node leader, RMITChair, Industry Relationship CommitteeA/PROF LAN WANGLeader, Enabling technology BRMIT UniversityPROF MATTHEW DAVISNode leader, University of QueenslandChair, Education & Training CommitteePROF NAGARAJAN ‘NAGY’ VALANOORChair, Communications CommitteeUniversity of New South WalesPROF XIAOLIN WANGLeader, Enabling technology ANode leader, University of WollongongPROF CHRIS VALENode leader, SwinburneChair, Outreach CommitteeA/PROF ELENA OSTROVSKAYALeader, Research theme 2Node leader, Australian National UniversityChair, Equity & Diversity CommitteePROF KRIS HELMERSONLeader, Research theme 3Monash UniversityI hope FLEET can make a lasting contribution to Australian Science – increasing interactions between universities, promoting women in science and engaging the public in science.Prof Alex Hamilton FLEET Deputy Director76ARC CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE IN FUTURE LOW-ENERGY ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGIESA/PROF ELENA OSTROVSKAYA Committee Chair, ANUPROF MATTHEW DAVIS UQPROF XIAOLIN WANGUoWDR DIMI CULCER UNSWDR JEFF DAVIS SwinburneYONATAN ASHLEA ALAVA PhD student, UNSWA/PROF LAN WANG RMITA/PROF MEERA PARISH MonashPROF KRIS HELMERSON MonashDR TICH-LAM NGUYEN FLEET Chief Operating OfficerEQUITY AND DIVERSITY COMMITTEEFLEET fosters a culture of inclusiveness and works to promote diversity across the Centre. FLEET’s Equity and Diversity Committee sets the Centre’s equity priorities, monitors our progress via staff surveys, and learns from equity best practice across the science sector (see p48). COMMITTEE MEMBERS:FLEET’s efforts to foster inclusiveness, eliminate discrimination and support diversity benefit everyone. Diverse research groups do better research, and workplaces that are ‘minority friendly’ are better places to work for all staff!A/Prof Elena Ostrovskaya Chair, Equity and Diversity CommitteeEQUITY AND DIVERSITY77FLEET 2017 ANNUAL REPORTBUILDING FUTURE SCIENCE LEADERS: EDUCATION AND TRAINING COMMITTEEFLEET is building future Australian science leaders amongst the Centre’s ECRs and HDRs. FLEET’s Education and Training Committee sets the Centre’s strategies and sponsorship priorities, checking progress and development requirements (see p51). FLEET also has a team of educational and outreach associate investigators (see p44).COMMITTEE MEMBERS:PROF MATTHEW DAVISCommittee Chair, UQDR DIANNE RUKAEducation and Training CoordinatorPROF JARED COLEScientific Associate Investigator, RMITDR JEFF DAVIS SwinburnePROF KRIS HELMERSON MonashPROF XIAOLIN WANGUoWA/PROF ELENA OSTROVSKAYA ANUPROF JAN SEIDELUNSWFLEET will ensure that our members understand that their amazing technical skills and knowledge can be applied much more broadly than just in specialist physics research, and we will give them the tools to do so.Prof Matthew Davis Chair, Education and Training CommitteeEDUCATION AND TRAININGNext >