Qingdong Ou
Scientific Associate Investigator, Monash
As an ARC DECRA Fellow at Monash University, Qingdong Ou ‘s work is focused on the investigation of 2D van der Waals (vdW) materials for optoelectronics, photonics and energy applications. Specifically, Dr Ou studies novel vdW polaritons (e.g., plasmon, phonon & exciton-polaritons) by using scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy and related micro-spectroscopy. Dr Ou also has interests in the fundamental optical and electronic properties of 2D materials and heterostructures such as graphene and perovskites. He has extensive experience in nano-device fabrication and understanding of low-energy-related device applications, such as photosensors, field-effect transistors, LEDs, solar cells and X-ray detectors.