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Surfaces on the move: dynamic liquefaction

RMIT researchers have discovered that the liquid-solid boundary can fluctuate…

Engineering a novel supersolid state using layered 2D materials

A collaboration of Australian and European physicists predict that layered…

Tiny device mimics human vision and memory abilities

Researchers have created a small device that ‘sees’ and creates memories in a…

Sandwich-style construction: towards ultra-low-energy exciton electronics

A new FLEET-led ‘sandwich-style’ fabrication process placing an atomically-thin…

Beating Boltzmann’s tyranny: Surpassing lower limit on computing energy consumption

Topological insulators can reduce transistor switching energy by a factor of…

Manipulating interlayer magnetic coupling in vdW hetero-structures

A FLEET RMIT-led international collaboration in 2022 observed, for the first…

Superfluids provide new insight into turbulence

University of Queensland researchers from FLEET and a partner Centre of…

Listening to nanoscale atomic avalanches

A 2023 UNSW-led FLEET study published in Nature Communications presented an…

Advancing quantum interaction understanding in 2D semiconductors

An international theoretical study led by Monash University researchers…

Hybrid particles surprise with negative mass

A surprise observation of negative mass in exciton-polaritons has added yet…

Destroying conductivity in a kagome metal

An RMIT-led international collaboration published in 2023 uncovered, for the…