Presentations from FLEET 2017-2024

A huge resource of talks are captured on the FLEET YouTube channel, with everything from visiting Nobel-prize winning physicists, to equipment explainers, to outreach and schools’ resources.


Dec 2022 Stability of ferroelectric bubble domains, Peggy Zhang UNSW, FLEET Seminar

Oct 2022 US-Aust Colloquium Engineering topological phases with a superlattice potential

Oct 2022 FLEET seminar: Dirac fermions at the interface – Semonti Bhattacharyya

Oct 2022 Exploring Liquid Metals’ Interfaces to Synthesize Nanostructured Materials

Sep 2022 The rich landscape of intertwined electronic phases in quantum materials—Rafael Fernandes, Minnesota

Sep 2022 FLEET seminar: Quantum nanophotonics with hexagonal boron nitride – Igor Aharonovich, UTS/TMOS

Aug 2022 Superconductors and semiconductors, nanowires and majorana, research and integrity

Jul 2022 Academia & beyond: research perspectives

Jul 2022 Non-Hermitian topology in exciton polariton systems – Eli Estrecho, Australian National University

Jun 2022 Quantum Oscillations of Electrical Resistivity in an Insulator, Lu Li (Michigan)

Jun 2022 Exciton condensation in bilayer graphene, Dr Harley Scammell, UNSW

May 2022 Optical lattice clocks: From timekeepers to spies of the quantum realm, Prof Ana Maria Rey

May 2022 Matthias Wurdack ANU: Exciton-polaritons in atomically-thin WS2 crystals at room temperature

Mar 2022 Electronic Transport in Strain-Engineered Graphene

Feb 2022 Phase transitions and critical states of monitored quantum systems

Jan 2022 Vertical balloon rocket


Dec 2021 Negative-capacitance ferroelectrics to reduce topological transistors’ switching energy

Nov 2021 Superfluids of light (David Snoke, Pittsburgh)

Nov 2021 Topological Materials for Low-energy Electronics

Nov 2021 Designing materials of the future at ANSTO Centre for Accelerator Science

Oct 2021 Reflection of Pepper’s Ghost

Oct 2021 Quantum stochastic resonance of individual Fe atoms

Oct 2021 Optical response of 2D semiconductors: an approach based on Semiconductor Bloch Equations

Sep 2021 Augmenting Silicon Technologies with Graphene: Epitaxial Graphene on Silicon Wafers

Sep 2021 Weighing the CO2 in soft drink

Sep 2021 Should you swim in a lightning storm?

Sep 2021 Should you swim in a lightning storm 2

Sep 2021 Too hot to fly

Sep 2021 Are hoverboards real?

Sep 2021 Why do helicopters need their rotors?

Sep 2021 Jogging off Jelly babies calories

Sep 2021 Bicycle wheels rate

Sep 2021 Can you outpace your shadow?

Sep 2021 Dark Matter Challenges of the Solid State

Sep 2021 Polariton Superfluids – Tackling the Next Climate Crisis (Mitko Oldfield, Monash)

Aug 2021 Inverse designed integrated photonics – Prof. Jelena Vuckovic, Stanford University

Aug 2021 The VC backed startup career pathway

Aug 2021 210804 Jennifer MacLeod

Jul 2021 Tami Pereg-Barnea (McGill): Domain/skyrmion-bound surface states of magnetic topological insulators

Jul 2021 Explainer:  The Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (STM)

Jul 2021 Explainer: atomic layer deposition

Jul 2021 Explainer: RF study of quantum electronics with a dilution refrigerator

Jul 2021 Explainer: Dipping samples in liquid helium

Jul 2021 Explainer: The ‘wet dilution’ fridge

Jul 2021 Explainer: The atomic force microscope (AFM)

Jul 2021 Explainer : Using the atomic-force microscope (AFM) to reveal ‘humps or dips’ at the nanoscale

Jul 2021 Tackling the next climate crisis with polariton superfluids

Jul 2021 Topological insulators are like a bar of chocolate: Alex Nguyen Monash University

Jul 2021 Bless this mess: embracing disorder to create novel materials for future electronics

Jun 2021 Tunable Helical Edge States in van der Waals Materials

Jun 2021 Quantum Microscopy. Electron spin in diamond to perform nanoscale vector images of mag, elec fields.

May 2021 US Aust colloquium  Designer electronic states in van der Waals heterostructures

May 2021 Quantum Hall effect and chiral superconductors: FLEET tutorial

May 2021 Generating anomalous Hall effect in non-mag. conductor: in-plane mag. field as probe of Berry curv.

Apr 2021 Quantum simulators from Fermi Hubbard model to quantum assisted NMR inference—Eugene Demler, Harvard

Apr 2021 Nonlinear Quantum Electrodynamics in Dirac materials

Mar 2021 FLEET — addressing the energy challenge for future computing

Mar 2021 Topological physics at the light-matter interface – Prof. Gil Refael, Caltech

Mar 2021 Low-energy searches for new physics: Maxim Goryachev introduces new Dark Matter COE for AIP

Mar 2021 Magnonic Reservoir Computing

Mar 2021 Research commercialisation: from academia to industry

Feb 2021 Danfeng Li describes synthesis/electronic structure of nickelate superconductors (FLEET seminar)


Dec 2018 Boiling Ice – FLEET Centre Home Science

Dec 2018 FLEET Centre Home Science – Holey Balloon

Dec 2018 The ouroboros, the snake that bites itself

Oct 2018 Falling Objects – FLEET Centre Home Science

Oct 2018 Cup Bridge – FLEET Centre Home Science

Oct 2018 Coke vs Diet Coke – FLEET Centre Home Science

Oct 2018 Water Bender – FLEET Centre Home Science

Sep 2018 Falling Rings – FLEET Centre Home Science

Sep 2018 FLEET Centre: developing ultra-low energy electronics (subtitles)

Sep 2018 Siphoning Water – FLEET Centre Home Science

Sep 2018 Elephant Toothpaste – FLEET Centre Home Science

Aug 2018 Double Bounce – FLEET Centre Home Science

Aug 2018 Musical Glasses – FLEET Centre Home Science

Aug 2018 Red Cabbage Indicator – FLEET Centre Home Science

Aug 2018 Balancing See-saw – FLEET Centre Home Science

Jul 2018 Coloured Light – FLEET Centre Home Science

Jul 2018 Thermodynamics lecture 3rd year Swinburne, Carlos Kuhn

Jul 2018 Day and Night

Jul 2018 Rubberband Car – FLEET Home Science

Jul 2018 Electrified Steel Wool – FLEET Centre Home Science

Jul 2018 Fingerprinting – FLEET Centre Home Science

Jun 2018 Bird in a Cage Illusion – FLEET Centre Home Science

Jun 2018 Strength Challenge – FLEET Centre Home Science

Jun 2018 Walking Colours – FLEET Centre Home Science

Jun 2018 Rope Climber – FLEET Centre Home Science

May 2018 Floating on Air – FLEET Centre home science

May 2018 Möbius Strip – one sided shape in 3D – FLEET Centre Home Science

May 2018 Boat Racers – FLEET Home Science

May 2018 Sascha Hoinka builds  shelving above optical tables for quantum gas microscope

May 2018 Coin Shooter – FLEET Centre Home Science

Apr 2018 Shrinking Chip Packet – FLEET Centre Home Science

Apr 2018 Catapult – FLEET Centre Home Science

Apr 2018 Honeycomb – FLEET Centre Home Science

Apr 2018 Holey Bag – FLEET Centre Home Science

Mar 2018 Appearing Coin – FLEET Centre Home Science

Mar 2018 Magic Floating Cutlery – FLEET Home Science

Mar 2018 Hovering Grape

Mar 2018 Coloured Word Challenge – FLEET Centre Home Science

Feb 2018 Falling Blocks Illusion: Jacob’s Ladder – FLEET Centre Home Science

Feb 2018 Kitchen Extinguisher – FLEET Centre Home Science

Feb 2018 Marker Pen Chromatography – FLEET Centre Home Science

Feb 2018 Punching Corn Flour – FLEET Centre Home Science

Feb 2018 Topological insulators and what makes them tick Michael Fuhrer

Feb 2018 Bandgaps and electronic properties in condensed materials: Michael Fuhrer

Jan 2018 Phases of the Moon – FLEET Centre Home Science

Jan 2018 Sinking Oranges – FLEET Centre Home Science

Jan 2018 Card Trick – FLEET Centre Home Science

Jan 2018 The Sun Rises for Free – the science of solar energy generation