Polaritons in an excitonic reservoir

We investigate interactions between polaritons and a dark excitonic reservoir in a 2D system where the excitons are tightly-bound. The resulting energy spectrum is found to display several interesting features, including the appearance of a new energy mode related to a biexcitonic bound state, an apparent reduction in the Rabi splitting between the lower and upper polariton branches as the reservoir density increases, and a Zeeman splitting of the lower polariton branch itself. Quantitative agreement is found between the predictions of our theory and recent experiments conducted in monolayer MoSe2 (Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 167401). Physical interpretations of these results as analogous to the Bose polaron problem are also consistent with other recent experiments (arXiv:2212.11145).

About the presenter

Kenneth Choo is a PhD student at Monash University with CI Meera Parish. His research aims to investigate the interactions between excitons and 2D electron gas, as part of FLEET’s Research Theme 3, Light Transformed Materials.