Polariton-electron scattering and trion resonance

Sangeet Kumar

Sangeet Kumar, Monash

We present the microscopic theory of intervalley polariton-electron scattering and its coupling to the trion bound state. The energy of the polariton can be varied by changing its photonic and excitonic contributions, this allows us to couple it to the trion energy which greatly increases the polariton-electron scattering interaction.

We diagrammatically calculate the STM scattering equations and calculate the polariton-electron scattering t-matrix. The trion resonance is seen in the t-matrix and find that the polariton-electron scattering interaction is highly tunable by varying the light-matter coupling and detuning.

About the presenter

Sangeet Kumar is a PhD student working with FLEET Associate Investigators Jesper Levinsen and Dmitry Efimkin at Monash University. Sangeet works on Novel exciton-polariton systems for his PhD project to investigate the dynamics of excitons-polaritons in two-dimensional semiconductors, with a particular focus on interactions mediated by strong coupling to light. This work fits in FLEET Research Theme 2 Exciton Superfluids.