Fermi polaron approach to doped atomically thin semiconductors

Jesper Levinsen

Jesper Levinsen, Monash

We present a quantum virial expansion for the optical response of a doped two-dimensional semiconductor. As we show, this constitutes a perturbatively exact theory in the high-temperature or low-doping regime, where the electrons’ thermal wavelength is smaller than their interparticle spacing. The virial expansion predicts new features of the photoluminescence, such as a non-trivial shape of the attractive branch related to universal low-energy exciton-electron scattering and an associated shift of the attractive peak from the trion energy.

Our results are in excellent agreement with recent experiments on doped monolayer MoSe2 [Zipfel et al., Phys. Rev. B 105, 075311 (2022)] and they imply that the trion binding energy is likely to have been overestimated in previous measurements. Our theory furthermore allows us to formally unify two distinct theoretical pictures that have been applied to this system, with the conventional trion picture results emerging as a high-temperature and weak-interaction limit of Fermi polaron theory.

About the presenter

AI A/Prof Jesper Levinsen is currently an ARC Future Fellow at Monash University. As a theoretical physicist, within FLEET he works on topological Floquet superfluids and on the dynamical manipulation of superfluids with impurities.