FLEET 2023 Workshop Program

The scientific program is below, the abstract and presenter bio can be viewed by clicking on the title. The PDF of the workshop schedule can be downloaded here

Monday 3 July
9:30AMBus departs Melbourne CBD - Southern Cross Station Coach Terminal
9:30AMBus departs Melbourne Airport
12:30PMLunch and Registration
Convention Foyer
Michael Fuhrer, FLEET Director
Convention Centre
2:00PMTutorial: Twisty 2D materials tutorial: history, current status, and open questions
Shaffique Adam, National University of Singapore,
Convention Centre
3:00PMInvited: Atomistic self-assembly of nanostructure in liquid metals
Nicola Gaston, MacDiarmid Institute, Partner investigator
Convention Centre
3:30PMCoffee Break
4:00PMLegacy and impact
Tich-Lam Nguyen, FLEET Chief operating officer
Convention Centre
4:30PMWorkshop - Publishing trends and peer review process
Esther Levy, Wiley, Editor in Chief,
Convention Centre
5:15PMInvited: Berry curvature and strong light-matter coupling in liquid crystal microcavities with perovskites
Mateusz Król, Warsaw University of Technology, Research associate
Convention Centre
5:45PMCollaborative meetings | Free Time
Heritage Ballroom

Tuesday 4 July

9:00AMInvited: The concept of the brain
Michael Ibbotson, UOM,
Convention Centre
10:00AMTheme leader overview - Topological materials and FLEET enabling technologies
Alex Hamilton, UNSW, Deputy Director & Research theme 1 leader,
Convention Centre
10:30AMCoffee Break
11:15AMRT3: The emergence of superfluidity in ultracold Fermi gases
Emma Laird, UQ, Research fellow,
Convention Centre
11:30PMRT2: Polaritons in an excitonic reservoir
Kenneth Choo, Monash, PhD student,
Convention Centre
11:45AMRT1AB: Engineering order-disorder transitions at the surface of topological insulators
Abdulhakim Bake, UOW, PhD student,
Convention Centre
12:00 noonRT1AB: Strong electron correlations in a two-dimensional kagome metal-organic framework
Ben Lowe, Monash, PhD student,
Convention Centre
12:15PMRT1AB: Proton intercalation induced phase transitions in van der Waals materials
Cheng Tan, RMIT, Research fellow,
Convention Centre
12:30PMRT1AB: Imaging the breakdown and restoration of topological protection in magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4
Mark Edmonds, Monash, Scientific associate investigator,
Convention Centre
12:45PMLunch | FLEET Executive Committee Meeting
The Larder Restaurant | The Observatory
2:15PMLawn Bowling | Collaborative meetings | Free Time
4:00PMPoster Session Tuesday 4 July
Convention Foyer
5:45PMCollaborative meetings | Free Time
Heritage Ballroom
Poster Session Tuesday 4 July
Name of Presenter/sPoster NumberTitle
Abhay Gupta, UNSW1Theoretical modelling on new level crossings and electron-hole asymmetry in Landau octet of bilayer graphene
Anushka Thenuwara, Monash2Realising topological phase transitions in a spin 1/2 quantum kicked rotor
Bianca Fabricante, ANU3Time evolution of spatial coherence in exciton-polariton condensates
Daniel McEwan, Monash4Quantum spin hall edge state transport in monolayer WTe2
David Cortie, UOW5Cold neutrons as a probe of quantum matter
Dawei Zhang, UNSW6
Inhomogeneous Friction Behaviour of Nanoscale Phase Separated Layered CuInP2S6
Dmitry Efimkin, Monash7Weyl excitations and arc surface states via helicon-phonon mixing in conducting materials
Emily Vu, Monash8Visualisation of strain-induced Landau levels in a graphene - black phosphorous heterostructure
Enamul Haque, Monash9Electron-phonon interactions in topologically protected conducting channel of atomically thin Bi (111)
Feixiang Xiang, UNSW10Strong signature of Landau level fan from high order moiré pattern in double aligned graphene heterostructures
Joshua Gray, RMIT11Numerical modelling of the charge density wave state in TiSe2
Justin Mabbutt, APR.Intern12Undertake a research internship through APR.Intern
Kaijian Xing, Monash13Universal electrode pick-up technology for contacting 2D monolayer semiconductors
Golrokh Akhgar, Monash14Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Chromium doped Tin Telluride Thin Films
Gordon Luo, UNSW15Implementation of BiFeO3 in a ferroelectric tunnel diode
Liam Watson, Monash16Finding an exciton condensate in a topological insulator
Matthew Edmonds, UQ17Modelling topological excitations in atomic spinor Bose-Einstein condensates
Mengting Zhao, Monash18The growth of ultra-thin Kagome metal Mn3-xSn films on Si(111)
Mitchell Conway, Swinburne19Effects of Floquet engineering on the coherent exciton dynamics in monolayer WS2
Pablo Resendiz Vasquez, Monash20Measuring moire superstructures in twisted 2D materials at the nanoscale with STM
Ramal Afrose21Hydrodynamics in 2DEG density interfaces
Rhonald Burgos Atencia22Nonlinear anomalous Hall effect in 2D topological anti ferromagnets
Sajid Ali, Monash23Correlated electronic structure of the kagome metal MnSn
Sina Gholizadeh, UNSW24Nonlinear Hall effect of magnetized two-dimensional spin-3/2 heavy holes
Yi-Hsun Chen, Monash25Efficient exciton-exciton annihilation of dark excitons in atomically-thin TMDs
Yonatan Ashlea-Alava26In-situ epitaxial aluminium gates in ultra-shallow GaAs heterostructures for low noise quantum point contacts

Wednesday 5 July

9:00AMTutorial: Exciton polaritons
Eliezer Estrecho,
Convention Centre
10:00AMInvited: Spatially indirect exciton condensates
Francois Peeters, University of Antwerp, Partner investigator,
Convention Centre
10:30AMCoffee Break
11:15AMTheme leader overview - Exciton superfluids
Jeff Davis, Swinburne, Chief investigator,
Convention Centre
11:45AMRT2: Bose-Einstein condensation effects in semiconductor lasers
Maciej Pieczarka, WUST, Collaborator at partner organisation,
Convention Centre
12:00 noonRT3: Fermi polaron approach to doped atomically thin semiconductors
Jesper Levinsen Monash, Scientific associate investigator,
Convention Centre
12:15PMRT1AB: Electrochemical deposition of metal tellurides using liquid-Metal autogenous surface potential for effective electrochemical sensing: mechanism, characterisation, and performance
Maedehsadat Mousavi, UNSW, PhD student,
Convention Centre
12:30PMRT1AB: Fingerprint oscillations in a bulk-insulating 3D topological insulator
Weiyao Zhao, Monash, Research fellow, Convention Centre
The Larder Restaurant
2:15PMWorkshop - What can I do to create an inclusive culture?
Winitha Bonney, Convention Centre
3:45PMCoffee Break
4:15PMPoster Session Wednesday 5 July
Convention Foyer
5:45PMCollaborative meetings | Free Time
6:15PMGroup Photo
6:45PMConference Dinner | Celebrating FLEET diversity | Quiz facilitated by the one and only Mitko Oldfield
Convention Centre
Poster Session Wednesday 5 July
Name of Presenter/sPoster NumberTitle
Baoyou Zhang, RMIT1Extracting complex refractive indices of ultrathin molybdenum oxides using a micro-photonic integrated circuit chip
Caiden Parker, RMIT2Liquid metal planet-like nanodroplets
David Cortie, UOW3Neutron reflectometry using polarised cold neutrons to probe quantum heterostructures
Dmitry Efimkin, Monash4Equatorial waves in rotating bubble-trapped superfluids
Dmitry Efimkin, Monash5Topological hybrid electron-hole Cooper pairing
Gary Bean, Monash6Ultrafast dynamics of materials using optical pump Terahertz probe  (OPTP) spectroscopy
Grace Causer, Monash7
Field-controlled cascade of soliton layers in epitaxial MnSi
Hong Liu/Rhonald Burgos Atencia, UNSW
8Coherent backscattering in the topological Hall effect
Jack Engdahl, UNSW9Dramatic increase of viscous effects in magnetohydrodynamics in graphene
Julian Ceddia, Monash10Controlling electron-electron correlations in gateable 2D metal-organic nanonstructures
Justin Mabbutt, APR.Intern11Undertake a Research Internship through APR.Intern
Kenneth Choo, Monash12Polaritons in an excitonic reservoir
Krittika Kumar, UNSW13Lengthening low disorder electrostatically defined quantum wires
Linnan (Leo) Jia, Swinburne14Trion splitting dynamics in gated WS2 monolyer
Marcus Goffage, UNSW15Signatures of Majorana zero modes in hybrid semiconducting-superconducting nanowires
Matt Davis, UQ16Superfluid flow in channels
Michael Lord, UNSW17Magnetism in thin films of the high entropy oxide La(Cr0.2Mn0.2Fe0.2Co0.2Ni0.2)O3
Molly You, UOW18New room-temperature 2D vdW ferromagnet
Sangeet Kumar, Monash19Microscopy theory of excitons bound by light
Seidel group, Monash20Functional and topological properties study by SPM
Shao-Yu Chen, National Taiwan University21Efficient brightening of dark excitons in InSe atomic layers
Yasufumi Nakano, Monash22Variational approach to the two-dimensional Bose Polaron
Yi-Hsun Chen, Monash23P-type Ohmic contact to monolayer WSe2 field-effect transistors using high electron affinity amorphous MoO3
Yik Kheng Lee, RMIT24Transverse magnetic focusing with both light and heavy holes
Zeb Krix, UNSW25New kind of magnetic oscillation in artificial crystals
Ziyuan Zhao, Monash26Non-collinear antiferromagnetism induced flat band in two-dimentional CoBi2Te4
Vote for your favourite poster

Three $200 cash prizes for the three best posters – People’s Choice.

Go to: PollEv.com/fleet2023

OR Text: FLEET2023 to +61 480 025 509, wait for a response then text the number of your favourite poster.

Thursday 6 July

9:00AMCollaborative meetings | Free Time
10:30AMCoffee Break
11:00AMInvited: Apparent strange metal behavior in small angle twisted bilayer graphene
Shaffique Adam, NUS, Partner investigator,
Convention Centre
11:30AMTheme leader overview - Magnetic- & Light-transformed materials
Kris Helmerson, Monash, Research theme 3 leader,
Convention Centre
12:00 noonRT3: Higgs oscillations in a strongly interacting Fermi gas
Paul Dyke Swinburne, Research fellow,
Convention Centre
12:15PMRT2: Wave packet dynamics and emergent topological defects in non-Hermitian exciton polaritons
Yow-Ming (Robin) Hu, ANU, PhD student,
Convention Centre
The Larder Restaurant
2:00PMTutorial: Magnetic topological insulators
Kirrily Rule,
Convention Centre
3:00PMRT1AB: Layer-dependent electron-phonon interactions at the surface of MnBi2Te4
Enamul Haque, Monash, PhD student,
Convention Centre
3:15PMRT1AB: Bandgap and exciton energy renormalization in doped TMD
Jack Engdahl, UNSW, PhD student,
Convention Centre
3:30PMCoffee Break
4:15PMRT1AB: Growing and architecting liquid metal-derived crystals as electrocatalysts
Jianbo Tang, UNSW, Scientific associate investigator,
Convention Centre
4:30PMRT1AB: Modelling charge carrier dynamics in gold cluster assemblies
Emma Vincent, University of Auckland, PhD student,
Convention Centre
4:45PMRT2: Effective dissipative light-matter coupling in nonideal cavities
Olivier Bleu, Monash, Research fellow,
Convention Centre
5:00PMRT2: Polariton-electron scattering and trion resonance
Sangeet Kumar, Monash, PhD student,
Convention Centre
5:15PMRT3: Effects of Floquet engineering on the coherent exciton dynamics in monolayer WS2
Mitch Conway, Swinburne, Research associate,
Convention Centre
5:30PMRT3: Electric-field-control of broadband THz conductivity in graphene: from Drude to non-Drude regime
Phat Nguyen, Monash, PhD student,
Convention Centre
5:45PMCollaborative meetings | Free Time
6:15PM Dinner
Heritage Ballroom
Friday 7 July

Before 10:00AMAccommodation checkout
9:00AMWorkshop - Responsible innovation & Future of FLEET Chris Browne, Convention Centre
10:30AMCoffee Break
11:00AMInvited: Rapid exciton diffusion in non-fullerene acceptors and its implications for OPV device architectures and computational materials screening
Justin Hodgkiss, MacDiarmid Institute, Partner investigator,
Convention Centre
11:30AMRT1AB: Enhanced itinerant ferromagnetism in hole-doped transition metal oxides: beyond the canonical double exchange mechanism
Zhao Liu Monash, Research fellow,
Convention Centre
11:45AMRT1AB: Modelling charge transport in Al/AlOx/Al tunnel junctions
Karen Bayros, RMIT, PhD student,
Convention Centre
12:00 noonRT2: Towards BEC-BKT crossover in a trapped polariton condensate
Eliezer Estrecho, ANU, Research fellow,
Convention Centre
12:15PMRT3: Room temperature polariton condensates in spin-coated perovskite microcavities
Mitko Oldfield, Monash, PhD student,
Convention Centre
12:30PMClosing & Awards
Michael Fuhrer, FLEET Director
Convention Centre
The Larder Restaurant
2:30PMBuses depart for Melbourne Airport and Melbourne CBD - Southern Cross Station