FLEET tutorial: Quantum Hall effect and chiral superconductors

  •  11 May 2021
     11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Dr Stephan Rachel, University of Melbourne.

Live: G. 30 seminar room, New Horizons, 20 Research Way, Clayton

Available on YouTube by invite only


In this tutorial, I will give a pedagogic introduction to the Quantum Hall effect where I may present a slightly biased perspective and deviation from the theory. We will establish the main concepts, then sketch how quantum Hall insulators relate to other topological insulators. In the second part of the tutorial, we switch from insulators to superconductors and focus on topological, chiral superconductors. I will explain the analogies of quantum Hall systems and chiral superconductors and give an overview of the candidate materials for topological superconductivity.

Dr Rachel is a Senior Lecturer and ARC Future Fellow in the School of Physics, University of Melbourne

Research interests: Topological phases, superconductivity, strongly correlated electrons, quantum computing

More information: Research group – Correlations and Topology in Condensed Matter